Diminishing Pride
by Thomas Blackburn The United States changes from day to day When I was a kid it wasn’t that way; The national anthem gave me butterflies to sing, A lump in my throat the Pledge of Allegiance did bring. We were taught in school, pride and respect Of family and country, of old…
The Deal of a Lifetime!
by Rabbi Jeffrey A. Adler King David opens the 16th Psalm with a fervent plea: “Shomreni El ki-chasiti v’ka”; “Keep me safe, O God, for in You I have found shelter.” Here, David uses the imperative mood of “shamar”, a verb typically used in the Hebrew text to relate watchful care. Isaiah 62:6 refers to…
Chag Rosh HaShanah Sameach! Year 5779
Staff of HaShomer The Scriptures instruct the Jewish people to observe 3 “fixed times” in the Fall season. The first of the three “fixed times” in this season is called Rosh HaShanah. Many understand Rosh HaShanah as “The Jewish New Year” to be celebrated with lots of food, family and celebration, much of what it…
Tikkun Olam and the Forever Priesthood
by Rabbi Jeffrey Adler Psalm 110 is a profound statement anticipatory of the unique stature of the Messiah. David begins: “Adonai (the Tetragammata representing the ineffable Divine Name) said to Adoni (my Lord), ‘shev l’yimini ad ashit oy’veyka hadom l’ragleyka.’” “Adonai said to my Lord, ‘Sit (or, dwell) at My right hand until I make…
A Classic Tragicomedy
by Rabbi Jeffrey A. Adler Psalm 2 is a classic Biblical song about the war between sinful Man and the God who created him and wants to bring him to his greatest potential while Man, himself, refuses to acknowledge that his own ways are not the best and lead down a destructive path. Verse 1…
Isaiah 55: “Stretching Out His Ear to Hear Our Cry”
by Rabbi Jeffrey Adler “Hoi kol-tza-mey l’ku la-may-yim va-a-sher eyn-lo ke-seph l’ku shiv-ru ve-e-kolu ul-ku shiv-ru b’lo-ke-seph uv-lo m’hir ya-yin v’cha-lav.” “Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the water, and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.” So opens the 55th chapter of…
Isaiah 49: Israel or Messiah?
by Rabbi Jeffrey Adler Isaiah 49 is the second of Isaiah’s 4 servant songs, foretelling the arrival of “Eved Adonai”, the “Servant of Adonai”, the one Who would suffer for the sins of Israel and the world. Many popular traditional rabbinic interpreters since the time of Rabbi Shimon ben Yitzhaq (Rashi) have seen the servant…
The Altelena and Israeli Society
by Jonathan Feldstein In the year of 70th anniversaries surrounding Israel’s independence, there are many milestones that are being celebrated. One such milestone took place this week that brought the newly reborn state of Israel, already defending itself from an onslaught of several Arab armies, from a state of war to the brink of a…
Isaiah 53 (A Commentary)
by Rabbi Jeffrey Adler “Mi heemin lishmuateynu uzroa al-mi niglatah?” “Who has believed our report? To whom is the arm of Adonai revealed?” These words open the 4th and last of Isaiah’s “Servant Songs”, 4 prophecies describing the “Eved Adonai”, the “Servant of Adonai”, Who suffers and dies. Iconic rabbinic commentator Rashi interpreted this figure…
What Memorial Day Means
by Jonathan Feldstein Each year I try to think of how to depict Memorial Day in Israel in a way that’s meaningful and juxtapose it in relation to how it’s observed in the US. Many thoughts race through my head. And each year I see Memorial Day through a different prism. This year’s prism is…